clean the dirtiest places in your house

Here’s How You Can Clean The Dirtiest Places In Your House


It’s easy to notice and clean some of the most obvious dirty places in your home. Whether it’s spilled food, a dirty shower, laundry, or the garbage in your dustbin, you can easily notice and clean them.

However, doing just this is not enough. There are still rooms and places that might not look particularly dirty but can negatively affect your and your family’s health. For example, your bedroom. Even though it looks all neat and clean, it’s not. In this article, we are going to show you some of the dirtiest places and items in your house and how to clean them. Let’s dig in.


Clean trash bin in modern kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in anyone’s house. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the dirtiest ones. Things like heat, moisture, and even food remain that are readily available in the kitchen work as catalysts for bacterial growth.

All of these things, including the items like unwashed fruits, unused vegetables, and raw meat, along with the germs you bring from the outside, can easily make the kitchen full of harmful bacteria like E.coli. Here’s a list of some of the dirtiest places in the kitchen:
  • Refrigerators
  • Countertops
  • Sinks
  • Cabinet pulls
  • Small kitchen tools and appliances

How to Clean the Kitchen?

Use disinfecting wipes to clean sinks and countertops after every use. Make sure to wash the cutting boards using soap, rinse them with hot water, and dry them well after you are done using them.

Clean your refrigerator with hot water and baking soda every three months to prevent bacterial infestations. And don’t forget to clean your small kitchen tools and appliances with hot soapy water and dry them well.


Bathroom cleaning

While you may think that your bathroom is absolutely clean, dirt and bacteria still lingers and accumulates thereafter every use.

How to Clean the Bathroom?

You need to pay attention to seemingly insignificant places like door nobs, light switches, and faucet handles to eliminate all the harmful bacteria. You can use disinfectant wipes to clean them at least once a day.

Change the hand towels as many times as possible a week. On the other hand, you need to wash the mats and bath towels at least once a week and dry them well. Use disinfectant wipes to clean the bathroom sinks on a daily basis. Meanwhile, keep cleaning the toothbrush holders and cups once or twice a week. Of course, don’t forget to clean the obviously dirty places like bathtubs, toilets, shower doors, etc. Make sure you use disinfecting agents while cleaning the floor of the bathroom and the walls near the toilets.

Living Areas

Living Areas

No matter if it’s a living room or media room, any room where your family members gather is bound to have bacteria and hidden dirt. Think amount how many time a family member get back from the outside and turn on the TV or AC using a remote without even washing their hands first.

Similarly, you and other family members also touch the computer, tablets, earphones, controllers, and other things in living areas on a daily basis. It’s just not possible to monitor if they clean their hands or wear clean shoes or socks when people are chilling in the living spaces.

How to Clean the Living Areas?

Clean the keyboard, remotes, and other controllers using disinfectant wipes on a regular basis. If any of your family members have a cold, clean the tools we have just mentioned every day until the family member is cured. Make sure you clean the door nobs, switches, and switch plates using disinfectant wipes too.

The upholsteries that cover your furniture can also have allergens and bacteria if you don’t clean them regularly. Touching them with uncleaned hands and sneezing near them further accumulates harmful germs on them. So, you should vacuum these fabrics at least once a week. Don’t forget to clean the floors of living areas using a vacuum cleaner at least once a day. This way, any unwanted specks of dirt or dust that come through the windows will be wiped out thoroughly.


Room Cleaning

Your bedroom is a place to have rest and sound sleeps, so you can wake up refreshed the next day. But do you know this is also the room that may have fungus, a lot of germs, and thousands of insects and mites? And many of them can be right on your bed.

People use their beds for sleeping, eating, working, hanging out with friends, and having sex. Clearly, if you don’t clean the bedsheets, blankets, pillow covers, and quilts regularly, the accumulated dirt and germ can cause:
  • Skin irritation and eczema
  • Acne
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Allergies
  • Insect bites
  • Breathing issues

How to Clean the Bedroom?

To prevent the troubles we have mentioned above, you should change and wash your bed linens on a weekly basis. According to experts, your bed sheets might have more germs than the door knobs after a week of use.

So, never forget to wash them at least once a week to remove all the germs, dirt, soil particles, etc. Make sure you encase the pillows, mattresses, and box springs with allergy-proof, removable, and washable covers. Change and wash those covers on a weekly basis, too, to prevent insect and bacterial manifestation.

Other Dirty Places That You Often Overlook

Every home has many other places and items that they often overlook. However, if you don’t clean them on a regular basis, you could invite severe health issues. Some of the dirtiest but overlooked items in a home are as follows:

  • Pet toys and feeding bowls
  • Keys, purses, and wallets
  • Backpacks and gym bags
  • Reusable grocery bags
  • The drain stopper
  • Air vents
  • Radiators

Don’t forget to take your time to clean these things and places at least once or twice a week.

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it. We have just mentioned some of the dirtiest places and items in your home right now and how to clean them. However, since every home is different and people possess different items, it’s not possible to list them all. Still, the general rule of thumb is to keep your home clean and remove the dirt from the items and rooms as frequently as possible. Follow the tips we have mentioned in this blog, and you should be able to clean the most used places in your house. Do you have any place in mind that we probably forgot to mention? Let us know in the comment section!

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